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Старый 29.08.2011, 10:12   #1
Аватар для paska
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По умолчанию Tools For Vu+ Duo & Solo

Sat4fun-E2 Tool-Box
отличный набор утилит для работы с Vu+ Duo & Solo
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Последний раз редактировалось paska; 29.08.2011 в 10:14.
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Старый 29.08.2011, 10:18   #2
Аватар для paska
Online: 4дн17ч41м
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ToolBox Vu+ 1.0
Еще один сборник утилит

Il tool permette di avere una unica maschera da cui richiamare l'applicativo desiderato.
Una volta installato avrete a disposizione i seguenti applicativi:

•Vu+ Control Centre 0.1
•Vu+ Settings Backup Tool 1.3
•Vu+ Plus Solo DVB Module Updater
•Vu+ Plus Duo DVB Module Updater
•Vu+ Util
•Dream Logo Generator 0.2
•e2skinner – 64Bit
•FileZilla FTP Client
•PuTTY 0.60
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Старый 28.11.2011, 12:25   #3
Аватар для paska
Online: 4дн17ч41м
Регистрация: 03.03.2011
Сообщений: 792
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VU+Tool by Borstenei
I am currently working on a tool specifically for VU (so we have something own and do not always look enviously towards Dreambox must :-)).
The tool is still in very early times to study and have foldende Functions:

LiveTV - it is read out via Telnet and the Fovoritenliste angezeigt.Spдter bouquet will further entries are loaded.

This network will be to find some network tools sein.Portscanner, network scanner (shows all IP's on the home network), Network Monitor (shows traffic), Ping, Whois, etc. ...

Telnet commands here can be transferred to the box or message box at the

Records are read the hard disk information and displays and all recordings

A simple FTP client TFP times just to access the box and download or upload data

Settings here are once stored all settings

Remote virtual Fernbedinung to remotely control the box from the Pc of

Everything still in the works, some basic functions are already machbar.Per Telnet commands and messages are sent.
LiveTV works well so far, but is still ahead of the corresponding transponder is also free.
FTP client already works in the broad, there are still advanced display for up and download it.

Everything in funktiert Monent only if the correct password in the starup.ini IP and name to be entered by hand or (later the area is done automatically by the "Settings".

Important is the current VLC is installed must be installed (without which no LiveTV), then MSXML 4.0 from Microsoft (http://www.microsoft.com/download/en...ng=en&id=19662).

At the moment it's all still a draft .. I'd still look forward to Preserve Comments wishes, advice, criticism, everything is welcome!

Tested on Windows 7 Ultimate with Vu Duo ... connected with wifi.

Gruss Borstenei
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