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Старый 05.01.2019, 20:51   #1
Супер модератор
Аватар для Руслан+
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По умолчанию Редакторы для Enigma2


-New wizard for downloading channels and satellite.xml file.
-Merge the downloaded satellites with the current settings.
-Bookmark favourite satellites for downloading.
-Bookmark favourite sources for assigning EPG.
-Revamp Import M3U, Assign EPG and Write Settings dialogs.
-Search M3U groups, EPG sources and web satellites.
-Show Multistream fields in the services list.
-Assign picons to IPTV streams without references.
-Several feature and performance improvements.
-Add the Swedish translation (thanks to Seagen).
-Update the French translation (thanks to StarOS).
-Update the German translation (thanks to Halo).
-Update the Italian translation (thanks to Satrunner).
-Update the Lithuanian translation (thanks to Vytenis P.).
-Update the Spanish translation (thanks to titovich).
-Update the Russian translation (thanks to spartak73 ).

-Satellites not mapped warning.
-Configuration reset after restarting some PCs.
-License not verified on some PCs.
-Some minor bugs.
Тип файла: zip E-Channelizer_Setup.zip (2.12 Мб, 1 раз)
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