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Старый 30.05.2012, 11:49   #1
Аватар для alex2150
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По умолчанию Dreambox 800-8000 имиджи, аддоны,

satdreamgr-enigma2-2.1-dm800-2012-05-29-sim2-SSL-84b.by aguda

working on 800 sim201 boxes !


source: 2012-05-29
bootloader: ssl84b

Plugins: New menu v4.2. -
Panel, Ipk Installer, SatDreamGr Panel, SoftcamSetup. -
Greek epg has the addition of the malakudi openpli, as well as installing and selecting crossepg source SatDreamGr. -
New Skin: GlamourHighWay SatDreamGr edition by mcelliot_g. -
New Bootlogo: SatDreamGr extreme edition by mcelliot_g. -
New spinner: SatDreamGr extreme edition by mcelliot_g. -
Flash forward in the receiver, and multiboot. -

Boutons Remote Control >>>>> Depending on the receivers. -
RED: Start Recording
GREEN: Extensions
YELLOW: Timeshift
BLUE: NewMenu

Not included: Softcams, Keys
Image pass
name: root
password: dreambox

Thank you.
The team SatDreamGR.

(47.7 MB)

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