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Старый 08.11.2011, 22:42   #1
Аватар для paska
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По умолчанию плагины для amiko shd 8900 и gi s8120

AlienHD_all_emu_plugin 2011-11-07

Oscamd ( oscamd.sh4 ) - 1.10 svn 5637 - webif defaults are
port=8888 and user/passwd=alien/alien,you must edit oscam.server
in /var/tuxbox/config for CCcam "C:" or "N:" lines , in order to
"read" cards you must disable conax reader from Spark menu and
consult the included oscam.server for some examples

Mgcamd ( mgcamd.sh4 ) - 1.35 - you must edit in /var/keys/ the
cccam.list file ( for CCcam C: lines ) or newcamd.list file
( for NewCS N: lines or CSP lines ) Pay attention to boxtype
usage in /var/keys/mg_cfg ...

Mcas ( mcas.stripped ) - is the multicas card reader and
softcam emu ( press Green button to start OSD ), in order to
"read" cards you must disable conax reader from menu , stop
Oscamd or MgCamd ( if active ) ... Mcas needs no BoxID !

e2upgrade - this plugin enable you to upgrade the Enigma2
partition using a memory stick containg a folder /enigma2
with the appropiate files. Justa start the plugin , start
his OSD , browse fosr /enigma2 folder and start upgrade !

Note : installing this plugin you overide /var/keys content
so you must backup the previous content if needed
Тип файла: zip AlienHD_all_emu_plugin .zip (1.24 Мб, 549 раз)
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