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Старый 30.08.2011, 19:23   #1
Аватар для paska
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По умолчанию Имиджи VU+ Solo

AAF Enigma2 Summer V2 Image
AAF Enigma2 Summer V2 Image VUPLUS:
Ver 5.11 Release note
Open Embedded
- Update blind scan (uno)
- Update ManualFanControl plugin (uno)
- Remove udev-static
- For details, please take a look at git log
Driver Update

20110715 (uno)
- Lower the default FAN rpm
- Increase dynamic range of FAN speed

- Change key code of audio button (uno)
- Change remote control response code (remote control of uno works only in uno)
- Fix occasional not moving FAN problem (uno)
- Remove udev-static

+ AAF-Panel
+ Volume Adjust with AC3 support
+ BlueKey Action (Default/Softcam/single EPG/multi EPG/graphic EPG/MyTube Player/AAF-Panel/other extension)
+ RedKey Action (Default/AAF-Panel)
+ GreenKey Action (open Plugin Browser when no subchannels)
+ Grab (credits to scope34 Vu+ Team)
+ default skin DMConcinnity-HD (credits to Mister-X)
+ light_3D skin
+ NoGfx skin
+ Addon-Manager V2.09
+ FanControl
+ WirelessLan
+ Upnp
+ Usb-Serial drivers (smargo and others)
+ Backup/Restore Image (credits to scope34 Vu+ Team)
+ webremote VU+ picture
+ Rytec EPG (update rytec.sources.xml to 10/04/2011)
+ Setup Infobar (autohide/epg/servicelist/secondinfobar)
+ YellowKey Action (Audio Selection/Default(Timeshift))
+ Graphicle AAF-Panel
+ CrossEPG V0.62
+ EasyMedia by Vali
+ Enabled MHW EPG
+ OpenVPN
+ AudioSync V1.2
+ Cool TV Guide V4.0.0 by Coolman
+ SundtekControlCenter
+ Updated Wlan support
+ Enhanced Movie Center 2.0.2 by Coolman & Swiss-MAD
Euer AAF Team
THX black_64 und alle Betatester

USB ==> AAF Enigma2 Summer V2 Image Vu+ Solo nfi ==> AAF Enigma2 Summer V2 Image Vu+ Solo
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